Dear Colleague,

Thank you for visiting The Brian Fahey Big Band Collection. This is a collection of original titles all composed and arranged by the One and Only Brian Fahey.
These are all "Original" Brian Fahey compositions for Big Band, which have been written with Big Bands in mind.
They are all in the "not-too-difficult-to play " category, but assume that the players are up to a certain standard. They are equally effective when played by the more experienced bands ,some have been broadcast By:
the BBC Big Band  also by  The Brian Fahey Big Band.

The cost per title remains at only £22.50 per chart
plus £2.45 per title towards postage and packaging,
Or Take Advantage of our Special Offer!
For ordering information and overseas enquiries please go to:
 The Order Form Page.

As Don Lusher said " Take advantage of it "

This site is Browser Friendly and is easy to navigate - Just click on the highlighted text or simply follow the links.

If there is any thing you would like to know prior to ordering please feel free to pick up the phone for a chat on:
   44-(0)1903 502971

or email me at:

With kindest regards,
"and Keep Swinging"

Michael Fahey